No Fear. Today Is What We Have...

Most of us are trying to hold back stark emotions and concern over the past week's events in Paris and other parts of the world. I struggle with anger and fear and this changing world looking so frightening. It is so easy to be overcome with concern and our focus be consumed with anxiety over it all. Maybe we should just turn off the news and disconnect for a while and look outside our front doors. All we have is today. I'm not saying to put your head in the sand and ignore the future, but truly, when we focus so much on what might come we miss out on how we can minister to people on this day. The only time we are promised. All we have is today to affect change for God in our own neighborhood and communities. We have today to smile and care and love those around us. I have wrestled with the scriptures below over the past week. I fight against the love your enemies passage but it is truth. I am called to it no matter what. I have to try. Praying for people I fear ...