
Showing posts from July, 2016

God Makes Beautiful Things. Places. People...


WORK > Handouts...

Good morning. I see these thoughts in our millennial age Americans right now. Not all of them of course, but lots. Praying for revival of work ethic and sane thinking and teaching coming from parents and mentors. God's way described in the verses below is the best way to think and work and live. I especially love this one because it gives the why about working. To help others. Ephesians 4:28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must  work , doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need. This excerpt below comes from James Whiddon, who wrote a book called The Old School Advantage. It helps us remember timeless tools for every generation. His website is: 2237 DANGER OF SELF-ESTEEM “I recently took a photo at an American public school of a flowery poster with the words “Dream until your dreams come true.” That’s bad advice. That advice cultivates a self-righteous sense of entitlement...

Red, White and Blue...

It was a hot Independence Day celebration but a good day filled with lots of family time.        The red bows and the blue eyes are so pretty in the pic above... I think this little sweetie loves her granddad- Chief. :) I have been trying to stay in the Word everyday by reading the One Year bible that my folks gave us all for Christmas.  It has really helped me to have this journaling bible with lots of room to write out the verses that stand out to me. I have had fun trying to illustrate or draw reminders with the verses sometimes too. I'm not a good artist but have learned as I have gotten older to embrace just doing what I am moved to do and not worrying too much about if it is good enough not to be embarrassed by it. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week. Stay cool if you can. These dog days of summer are a little oppressive. Fall will be here before we know it. You will be able to see us doing a happy dance when the first cool front...