Last Game

Gorgeous evening last night. Perfect football weather. The Mustangs won, yippee! We are glad though to be moving on to basketball where you don't have to bring 5 blankets, a hot thermos of coffee, gloves and your snuggy to keep warm.

Sid is taking the last part of his Qualifying Exam today. Anyone out there want to pray for him to pass this...that would be appreciated. :) He is ready to have it finished.

Speaking of football we will still have Case and Brad's team to cheer for (they will go to the playoffs) and Colt to yell for for about a month more. Don't cry all you men (I am talking to Sid) it is not over yet! According to my husband college football is one of the greatest joys in life. Well, that and a great cup of coffee. I love that man.

I just need to say that God is so awesome and I love Him for loving us ...always. He comforts, brings peace and lets us follow Him. We are so blessed.
This has to be one of the prettiest sunsets I have ever seen. Thank you God.

So handsome

Moon coming up over the cotton fields.


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