Honor Your Husband...

Because, God said that is how we are to act.
Because God loves us and knows what is best for us.
"The wife must see to it that she respects her husband". Eph. 5:33
Respect and honor even if he is undeserving of that honor and respect in your opinion.
God is a heart changer. Trust Him.

A wise woman once said, "If you truly want a fine husband, respect him at the level at which you want him to reach.  A man will usually not rise above the level at which his wife respects him."
This is a general principle, not a hard and fast rule because God does not put accountability or responsibility for a man's character on his wife. Nevertheless, strong evidence indicates a woman holds great power to make or break a man.

How you can grow more to respect your husband?

Pray for him daily and trust God to answer your prayers.

Thank God for working in your family and in your husband's heart.

Pray for his spiritual well being, purity, guidance and wisdom.

Remember that God has placed your husband in a position of leadership or authority in your family and over you.  God will lead through your husband if you step away from the being the leader. Wait and watch and give the leadership reigns over to your husband. 

Tell him what you appreciate about him. Tell other people what you appreciate about him...in front of him.

Don't ever criticize your husband to others- especially your children.

Respond to his loving advances with enthusiasm.

A few great marriage resources:




Wa Wa Waughs said…
Great advice! I've been guilty of participating in gripe sessions with other friends before and it does no good...we must be thankful for the little things and pray!
A perfect word with perfect timing. Thank you Amy.

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