Organized. Yeah...Right...
I am organized just good enough to function. Sad. I know. It's not that I like it. Really. I dream of being organized. I even try. It just does not take. Much. Look at this sweet little Willow Tree Angel. She is the angel of Good Health . It's probably not a great omen that she fell off the top of the fridge and was decapitated. Anyway, this is somewhat how I have felt the past few weeks. We have met ourselves coming and going and life has been busy. As my grandmother would say, "You have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off." I know what that looks like. I helped her ring quite a few chickens necks when I was young. Just take my word for it. It is not a pretty sight. Back to the organization thing... I met with a group of moms from church a few nights ago and we talked about being organized. This was a torturous meeting for me. I came home and apologized to my husband for all of the un-organization pain that I have ca...