Advocare Success School

Advocare Success School= Inspiration
It took Wes a little while to wake up Saturday morning. :)
The weekend was a blessing to all of us.
Spending time with our boys and with our brother/friend Nick was sweet for us and so much fun.
We heard George W. Bush speak- love him even more after hearing his heart. What a special man.
We heard lot of powerful testimony's about Advocare and what this awesome company has done for people physically and financially. It is a life changer in so many ways. What a blessing to have friends in this organization. They talk about Jesus and they talk about Advocare. Love it.
Sunday morning Michael W. Smith led worship and what a blessing it was.

  The Ft. Worth water gardens. Lovely spot to stroll through and sit for a minute.

I pray your week is going great!
Happy rainy Monday to everyone!


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