Busy Week-

Good morning! It was a crisp 52 degrees this morning. Lovely. I love fall and the cooler temps. We just need the temperature to dip below freezing FAST though. The mosquitos are about to kill us. Football games are a workout for your arms! Ugh. I can't stand those pesky things. Anyway, we have a busy week going with a senior meeting tonight, party for Will's 18th birthday, new countertops being put in, (busting out the old tile countertops...before the new), Wes- game on Thurs. and Homecoming on Friday with football luncheon, pep rally and game. Saturday is the Harvest Festival with parade and the boys escorting some cute girls for Harvest Queen ceremony on Sat. night.
whew...Fun, but busy. So many things to think about and pray about. Our good friend Robert Reagan has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He is a missionary in Thailand. We are praying that God will spare his life for His glory. If anyone out there is reading please pray for Robert. He is to have surgery this Thurs. in Singapore.

Verse for encouragment today:
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is He who made us, and we are His
we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Ps. 100: 1-3


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