Colt McCoy for Heisman

Wes, Case, Chance and Colt

Wow...The days since Sunday and the announcement of the BCS rankings have been difficult to say the least. I am finally not spitting nails mad anymore but just sad for Colt and his team. Isn't it strange that Texas has beaten the two teams that are playing for the Big 12 Championship? Anyway...I won't go into all of that because it does no good to even try to talk it out.
I just want to say that we are so proud of Colt and how hard he has worked and want to pat him on the back for an incredible season. It would be so fun if he won the Heisman award. I pray that he will have that blessing. There is no one more deserving than him.
I am so thankful that he speaks the name of the Lord before millions of people whenever he gets the chance. We love him dearly.
Great season Colt!


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