Great Year Colt! Fiesta Bowl.
The game was a blast. A college football game at that level is just an unbelievable experience. In the first three quarters I thought I was going to have to find some blood pressure medication or someone might have to re-start my heart due to it beating out of my chest. Whew. We had two Ohio State guys behind us. They were loud and were having fun. At one point they started saying some things about Colt. I turned around to let them know that Colt's grandmother was sitting right in front of them and that they better only have nice things to say. (With the high stress level we were all feeling I was afraid I might have to punch one of them out if they said something mean.) ha. But, they were great sports and a lot of fun.
So thankful Texas came through in the end. Seeing that last series that Colt marched them down the field and scored in under two minutes was worth the stomach ache from the countless cups of coffee that made it possible to drive the many hours getting there.
Watching the Longhorns and Colt has made me a college football fan for life I am afraid. It is just so much fun. When they scored that last touchdown I was getting bear hugs from people I did not even know. Everyone was so excited and went wild. We are so thankful that Colt got through this game without getting hurt bad. He said that this was the toughest defense that they played this year.
I am so proud of his comments at the end in the trophy ceremony. Our prayer for him for the last three years has been that God would bless him so that Colt could glorify God. Thank you Father for blessing him on Monday night. How incredible to hear his praise for Jesus and to hear him give You the glory.
Well... I'm glad that it is over for this year. I think we all need a breather. long football for another year. Well, that is after we watch that silly Thurs. night game.
Blessings. Amy