Random Thoughts...

Good morning. Things have quieted down a little since Christmas and the Arizona trip. What a great break we had. Fun times ,but getting back into the routine is nice too.
Random thought number one:
As I looked around and listened to everything at the Fiesta Bowl a week or so ago, I had the thought , I wonder why we can get so worked up and excited about a ballgame and why we are not allowed to or not motivated enough to get just that excited about the Good News and about telling people about Jesus? Any thoughts? Let me know. I have plenty of opinions on the subject but would love to know yours.

Random thought number two:
As you can see if you are reading this blog, a lot of my entries are about Will getting ready to leave for college and his last year here at home. Well, I have to say that trend will probably continue for a while. ha. We are now thinking about taking senior pictures, debit cards, FAFSA applications, football scholarship money, registering for the draft, and a million other things to do before he drives off from here. We are heading to Harding in a few weeks for his official football recruiting visit. The boy is so excited that he cannot see straight. I am happy for him. Life is moving on.

Random thought number three:
How do you waste your time? I am sorry to say that I am a grand waster of time. It is one of my biggest problems. I usually start out with great intentions. List of to do things, etc. I have found though that if I do not get the big and important things done first that I am not disciplined enough to get them done later in the day. I have a HUGE struggle with staying off the computer. It is an eater of my time and I get lost in it. Here is what I am focusing on in order.

Get up...Bible study, make breakfast, 5 min. devo. with boys, WALK- I feel so much better when I do this one, laundry, THEN computer time and everything else on the list. I have to start with the Bible study first or I just don't get it done. And what a blessing it is to start the day with God. My days just don't go good when I don't listen to Him and talk to Him first. I then have something of worth to say to my children. (Now, the days I have to go to work are are a REAL challenge. My hat is off to you wonderful women that have to work everyday and still get it all done!) Blessings on you!!

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

I love this scripture. He is telling me that HE hears my voice. Awesome.

I had a conversation this morning with Will about the difference in serving God because you just want to so you won't get in trouble and just trying to follow the rules or... serving God because you want to glorify and please him as King David did. Being in love with God and knowing Him versus just trying to do what your parents tell you to do spiritually but not knowing Him.
One works and the other does not. Our biggest challenge as Christan parents is to teach them to have their own faith in God and not to just know Him through us. I pray that we can all be led by God to instill in them that longing to be after His heart and to know Him intimately. Thoughts anyone?

Random thought number four:
How to help two very different and in some ways alike, wonderful young men see their gifts. Wes compares himself to Will all of the time and it is a struggle for this Mamma. For now we are just letting them fight it all out. (Need to fix that broken molding on the door coming into the kitchen that Will busted running from Wes. Also...thanks Uncle Bill for fixing Will's bed that broke when Wes form tackled him on top of it a few months ago.) On going challenge... not to scream at them all of the time. Oh well.

Now...just some random pictures to go along with the random thoughts. I love you guys.

Will last year before the Junior Senior banquet.
The grandkids last July in the Bahamas for GrandJan and Daddyburl's 50th Anniversary. We were full of getting ready plans this time last year for that trip. What fun we had.

Will helping to teach class in Zambia on the medical mission trip three years ago. My how time has flown. That trip changed Will's life. His desire since then has been to be a vocational missionary. Larry Henderson has also had a huge empact on Will's life. Being a missionary like Larry and his example of living has also inspired Will.

New Orleans stop on the way to cruise last summer. The mighty Mississippi.

St. Martin bliss.

LTC last year. This year we have 42 people going to Dallas for LTC. Should be a grand time!

I guess that is enough random thoughts for today. Have to get off of here and GET BUSY!
Blessings on your day. Love, Amy


Unknown said…
Hey! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Hope we can have some time to visit/talk. Maybe next week? What does Tuesday look like to you?
We are in Colorado now and should head back to Texas on Monday. Head to Abilene on Wednesday afternoon after I speak to the Methodist women in Dimmitt that morning.
Love ya!Liz
We're in the process of raising 4 boys. The oldest graduated last year and is now in AIM. I understand your concerns about "getting them ready."

It looks like you're doing a GREAT job raising boys. It may not always be easy ... but it's never boring!

We've got a group of about 75 going to LTC in Dallas this year. We're headed to the Anatole ... hope we catch up with you guys somewhere.
Anonymous said…
Hey Amy! Loved your comments about teaching Will to obey (or have his own faith) because it is the right thing to do not because he is just following the rules or following his parents example. I am reading a book on this very subject! You would love it. It is AGE OF OPPORTUNITY - A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens by Paul David Tripp. I'm on Chapter 7 titled There's A War Out There. He is talking about how parents tend to take over God's job by trying to produce only what He can produce in the hearts of our children. We tend to manipulate their behavior with threats, fear, guilt, manipulation, etc. Instead, parents should focus more in the inside - the heart - where children can develop an inner purity, grow a heart for God, and have a heart for doing what is right. Instead of a legalistic view of obedience, they will develop a heart for obedience out of thankfulness and love. You would find the book very reassuring because you have done an amazing job raising your boys to know the word of God and to have a heart for Him. It's time to start releasing Will completely into the hands of the Lord. You will still continue to teach him through your words and example. But trust that you've planted the word there and God will do His part, as Will continues to grow and mature, to mold Will's heart into one that lives only for Him. I know I'm just preaching to the choir. You are an amazing mother. Will is an amazing young man! He is ready and God is with him. Let God's peace and His promises comfort you. Rest in them!

Thanks for your sweet spirit and your wonderful example. God blessed me richly when He allowed our lives to be entwined!

Anonymous said…
Loving the pics.. now, the one with the grandkids in their swimsuits..you could sell that one to the newspapers in a couple of years.. :) see you guys in a couple of weeks..

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