Movies, and we are not moving...

Good Monday morning! These are going to be incredibly random wanderings this morning because my head is hurting and I am floating around in my brain because of the sinus medicine I took at about 6:00am this morning. Anyway, hope that your day is off to a good start. We had great news this last week. We were afraid that we were going to have to look at a job in Tucson, Arizona (no offense to the people who live there and love it) but I did not want to move there. It was just simply too far from all of the people that I love and need to be around! We also had a job possibility in Ft. Worth, and that would have been better because we know and love lots of people there. But, that one did not pan out.
So...God was gracious and so abundantly blessed us with a promotion here at home. Sid will now be working as head of fundraising for the Health Science Center instead of the Law School. He is thrilled and we are glad we don't have to move.
So, on to other wanderings. Have you ever thought about the movies that we saw when we were in high school and college? There was a point in college that I decided not to watch R rated movies anymore. I am sure I should have decided that long before then. Anyway, Will wanted to watch a scary movie this weekend and I was remembering how scary "The Shining" was way back when. He wanted to watch it and I said go for it, but you won't be able to sleep tonight! I did not realize it was R rated or really recall much about the movie. I picked it up real quick on the way home and was shocked when I got home to see the R rating and so I told him I would need to take a quick look at it before he watched it with his friends. I was appalled at what I saw and heard. Total nudity and the F word about three times in just one scene that I randomly chose to view. Good grief! What was wrong with me? I of course apologized to my son and told him that this movie was not an option for viewing with his buddies. I have done some thinking since then about how in the world could I have forgotten that nastiness? I am sure that I was not as in tune with God back then I as should have been. Obviously. I should have been more concerned with pleasing Him and not trashing up my life. Having kids sure changes your ideas of what is OK to do for entertainment. I am thankful that our boys are so much more careful about polluting their minds and hearts with stupid trashy movies. I pray that they always will be more concerned about glorifying God than being entertained. By the way, we have used Focus on the Families "Unplugged" movie reviews for years and it has been a blessing to have that resource.

Colossians 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your
life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

This was our sunrise this morning. So crisp and beautiful. There is a hint of spring in the air! Exciting! me that look! And below at the age of 4 years. This picture hangs in our hallway and every time I pass it I have to smile. It is just so very cute. Man, they grow up so fast.

Blessings on your day! Amy


Michelle said…
What a relief that you are not moving to AZ., that would have been a big change!

I can't believe The Shining was that bad. I remember seeing "Watcher in the Woods" as one of my first scary movies. I'm pretty sure it was is a Disney movie. Although that doesn't mean much these days. Since Jack Nicholson is in The Shining I am not surprised it is R, does he play in anything that isn't? :(

Have a blessed Monday, hope your sinuses clear up!
Unknown said…
Yea!!! You are NOT moving!! I like having you there -- & I like having some things in my life that stay the same!
Yes, movie choices are challenging!
Blessings, dear friend.

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