More old photos

Sorry to put you guys through this again today, but I am having too much fun looking at these old pictures. Love to my friends and family! Amy
Michael and Patrick
Swiss Family Robinson Tree House- Disneyland

Aunt Glenna's house- California
Mom, Dad , Donna and Ray
Golden Gate Bridge
The California Family...Rick and guys were THE cutest kids!!!
At the tank for Brad's birthday
What was I mad about? Brad, again, you are so cool! Love you!

What a handsome couple!
Can you believe we dressed Michael up like that? Sorry brother!


neecie said…
these are great pictures. I love old photos
Melinda said…
Such great photos! Blogging is such a great way to keep up on family history. I started a blog for my dad's side of the family and have been collecting pictures from all of them to post on there so that we all can enjoy them and see where we all have come from. It is not listed on my profile but you can look at it if you'd like:
Unknown said…
What fun! Good to see Daddy Hollis and remember times at the tank. I remember when ya'll were LIVING in that little house before the big house was finished.
Ya'll were all cute kids!
Love ya!

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