On to Regionals

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Cor. 6:19-20

We had a great day for track yesterday. Our oldest won the high jump and will now advance to the regional meet. So fun to see your children compete athletically. How anyone jumps so high off of the ground over a little bar is mind baffling to me anyway. Younger brother threw his personal best in the disc and shot. He is improving all of the time. We are proud of both of them.
Blessings on this beautiful Saturday. :)


Candie said…
Yea for West Texas trackmeets!!! You never know what the weather will bring so I'm glad it was a great day!
I love that scripture. I watch my kids as they can crawl, pull up, run, jump, sing or whatever and get excited about what God has in store for them. My husband and I both played sports in college, so we both really look forward(Lord willing) to watching our kids find their talents and use them to God's glory!
neecie said…
Congrats to Will. What a great way to be finishing out his high school sports career and Wes, I bet he makes it to regionals next year!
Debbie said…
Congrats to your son!
Michelle said…
Congrats on the track success! David was a high jumper too. I think his highest was 6'8 or something, What was Will's? The pics you got are so good! i love ready your blog. You always have good pics, scriptures, content, and songs. Not to mention it is often uplifting.

I see Elizabeth has commented. She is a friend from church. Do you know her too?

Have you heard the scoop about Aunt Joy moving here?

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