Week of Banquets and Memorial Day
Thinking toward Monday and Memorial Day, I wanted to play this video.
I love it. (You will have to pause the music track to hear it.)
Let's all remember and say a prayer for the men and women that fight for our freedom to worship and live in this country. We need to never forget all of the people who have given their lives for us. Even more importantly let's remember that this country was established by men that based our constitution and values on the word of God. "Please Father God move our hearts to speak for You, to stand for You, to love for You and to tell this hurting world of your precious Son."
Blessings on your upcoming week. It is going to be busy and emotional one but a good one.
This is Will's favorite scripture:
Romans 13: 11-12
And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.
Love, Amy