Long List... only 4 days until school starts!

Will and his roomate Dylan. What fun those two are going to have!

Hey! Happy Thursday to everyone!

Lots of things on my list for today. I am being thankful that I am feeling better this morning. My thyroid meds have been really low and the doc bumped them up and I am feeling alive again. Praise the Lord. Thought there for a few weeks that I might be going to slowly die a painful death. Well...maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but not much.

Will has been at school for nearly two weeks practicing with the football team. His roomate and suitemates move in today and he is really excited about it. Wish that I could be there and see it all and visit with the Mama's but Sid said it was too early to go back and see Will. grr.....ANYWAY,
I pray that this day is fun and a blessing for our boy. I also pray that he will be a blessing to those around him. That he will glorify God in all that he says and does. Blessings, Will!

Get camera fixed, mail box to Will with extra cell phone in it (don't ask .)
Meet with new endocrinologist, check Wes' schedule, balance check book- yikkes!, work on youth mission tshirts and youth song book, buy groceries, stay ON PROGRAM on Weight Watchers, Walk, watch Wes' football practice, work on scripture banners, supper with good friends tonight, clean this dirty house, sell this dirty house. Etc., etc. etc.

Oh, while I am at it, does anyone want a lovely dirty house in west texas nearly in the middle of a cotton field? Would be great! It would help us pay down some debt and actually help us pay for college for our boys. Aw...come on! It has a basement for those nasty Texas wind storms that blow through! Well...think about it.

Here are a couple of good scriptures for today and it's busy-ness:
He lifted me out of the mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
Ps. 40:2
Satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Ps. 90:14
Blessings! Off to get this list started.
Thank you Lord for a new day. Help me to focus on You and spread Your love. Help me to speak Your name in love in all circumstances and even in casual conversations. Help me to glorify You.


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