Wild At Heart

The start of football every year brings me around to re-reading parts of "Wild At Heart". I have to be reminded of the fact that God made my boys and all boys to be men. I have to remember that he made them with wild hearts that need battles to faced and won. I pray that I can let go even more with my boys and let them be men. Here are some good words from this book.

"We have not invited a man to know and live from his deep heart."

What makes him come alive, what stirs his heart?

"Aggression is part of the masculine design, we are hardwired for it. If we believe that man is made in the image of God, then we would do well to remember that "the Lord is a warrior, the Lord is His name." Ex. 15:3

Adventure is written into the heart of a man.
God made him that way. We try to turn him into a "nice guy". That is all fine and good, but he also wants to be the hero, the man in the battle, whatever that battle is.

I am learning to let go and let them live. With Will gone away to college I have really had to let go and let God watch over him. I do now pray for adventures for my boys. For battles to be won and for their hearts to be alive. I know that this could mean that I might be even farther away from them in the future. Will wants to be in Africa or somewhere on a mission field. Wes wants an adventure somewhere, anywhere. I understand this and pray that they will focus on not just adventure for adventure sake, but that their focus will be on the spiritual battle, the real fight.

These last words from Wild at Heart ignite even my woman heart:

Jesus is no "capon priest," no pale-faced altar boy with his hair parted in the middle, speaking softly, avoiding confrontation, who at last gets himself killed because he has no way out. He works with wood, commands the loyalty of dockworkers. He is the Lord of hosts, the captain of angel armies. And when Christ returns, He is the head of a dreadful company, mounted on a white horse, with a double-edged sword, His robe dipped in blood. (Rev. 19)
Now that sounds a lot more like William Wallace than in does Mother Teresa.

No question about it- there is something fierce in the heart of God.

I think he put something fierce in the hearts of his men also. It is good.

This beautiful moon rising picture was taken at the game last Friday night. I am amazed at how God speaks to us if we will just listen and open our ears and eyes.

I am in a struggle to be obedient , to be content or make some changes in our life right now. It is hard when God seems to be really silent in our lives. I know that we are way too impatient about things, but how do you as a child of God deal with waiting and listening and being patient in dry or silent times with God? I am sure He is waiting on me to grow and improve or change, but oh how I wish I could have a clear word or more of a direction some times.

I would love your input. Thanks and blessings! Amy


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