Fall Break

This past weekend was Will's fall break from college. He came home on Thurs. to see Wes play and then we went to Denver City on Friday to see another Mustang game. Sat. morning we got up before the sun came up to drive to Austin to see Colt play and then to the Ranch for the night and Sunday. He flew back to Arkansas this morning early. It was so wonderful to have him home and I was very thankful to have the whole family together for a weekend. We really miss Will. It was a busy, road trip of a weekend, but a fun one.

I have not really written much lately and have only posted pictures mostly. Forgive me, but life is really crazy and interesting right now. Gathering coherent thoughts is not an easy task! ha.
I am working on it.

Blessings on your day today.

If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed,

but praise God that you bear that name.

1 Pet. 4:10

At the Denver City game.

These two boys love to fight and mess with each other while their parents are trying to drive. They have a lot of fun together.

Wes beating Will up

Michael...not wanting his picture taken.

At the UT/Colorado game. Rachel, Lee and Will
Rachel and Brad. Look at Colt's face on the jumbo tron behind them. Makes me laugh. It's like he is thinking..."Who is that hugging Rachel?" Ha!

Very serious.

Sid and Brad

Big brother.


Liz Crittenden said…
LOVE seeing the pictures & hearing about all of ya'lls fun times together! Fun to see pics of Brad as I haven't seen him in person in years! I miss football season :(

I like Will's "chin hairs"! Reminds me of Jedidiah :)

I know you loved having Will around..
Tough having our boys far away.

I'm prayin'.... keep me posted.

Love ya!
Candie said…
The pictures are AWESOME! I love your new background too!
Great pics! Looks like such a fun weekend with family/friends.

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