
Registration for Camp Blue Haven is TONIGHT at 8:00pm!

Good morning!
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
I am waking up this morning with all my chicks under one roof. Will left Harding yesterday. There are lots of reasons that I will not go into in depth but I will say that I think it was the right thing for him to do. We have prayed long and hard about making this decision and it seemed that coming home and going to school here was the answer. He is broken hearted over leaving people that he loves in Searcy but still feels it was the right thing to do. Thank you Jay, Nathan, MacKenzie, Molly, Michael, Taryn, The Smith's, Kinzie, Matt and Dylan for loving Will and being his friend. He has a plan to get enough hours to transfer to A&M and walk on to try to play football. We will see how all of that plays out but for now I am thankful to have him here and am excited about what his semester will look like for him and how God will use him and bless him here.

Wes is such a trooper and is really doing great. He is loving his new friends while missing his old ones but God has given him peace in his heart and for that I am so thankful. Sid LOVES his new job. I have never seen him happier.

There is so much pain and hurt in the world. I pray for the people in Haiti. All of our piddly problems are nothing compared to the anguish and pain that people are going through there.
Blessings on your day. We have a busy one going here. Amy

Psalm 19:8
The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
Our dining room. The one room that looks a little like home right now. I like it.

I know that it seems I am obsessed with sunrises and sunsets. You are right.
Great picture of Wes going for the ball. He is playing great!


Candie said…
Exciting changes for you all. Many blessings...
Michelle said…
Your home looks very welcoming and cozy. Glad to hear that things seem to be going well. Thank you for sharing about Will. It is always encouraging to hear that others experience "bends in the road" and that they are pressing on... I will pray that Will has a smooth transition at his new school. Many blessings Amy
YogaAndBirth said…
Your house looks great! Very warm. I'm glad everyone is happy with their choices and God is being served. Blessings!
Looks like Wes had a great weekend! What a blessing to have your boys all at home! At least for awhile. Your dining room looks wonderful...I just love your touch when decorating! I just don't have that...I'm a copykat! LOL
So glad things are going well...take care and have a Blessing filled week!

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