Interview Enfluence

This was an email I got on facebook last night from Mardi Andrews.
Thank you!

It was all God's Plan - Pat Wadlington

Yesterday at 3:06pm

I always give God the glory, I never question why things happen the way they do. God is in control of my life. I am standing on the ROCK. ~Colt McCoy

Last night I was so down in the dumps. I don't think I have ever wanted a football team to win a game as bad as I wanted the Longhorns to win last night. Not because I have any devotion to the University of Texas, but because I am lucky enough to know firsthand the deep faith that Jordan Shipley and Colt McCoy have for God. It is funny how things work sometimes. I know Colt and Jordan believe that the Lord wants to bless his children, especially his obedient servants. I'm sure the question may have arisen in many minds, including Colt's, why was this happening to him. "Why now Lord? Why in this game...on this stage? I have loved you and I am obedient to you. I have looked forward to this moment all my life." He must have thought all of this at various moments. But through and through his Faith remained. Driving into work this morning I was thinking about how bad it was for Colt and how disappointed he must have been. I kept wondering if God's word says that he will bless his children, why was Colt (and his family), considering their strong faith, having to endure such frustration and disappointment in this the moment they had all been waiting for. Then it hit me. I realized that our judgment of what is good and bad, positive and negative, are viewed only through human eyes. I wholeheartedly believe that the Lord reigns at all times and he could have allowed Colt to prevail, stand on the stage and hoist the trophy proclaiming all glory to God, but I also believe that God was way ahead of us on this one (as usual). How much more impactful was Colts witness for God under those circumstances as opposed to if he had been hoisting the trophy over his head in victory and just briefly said said "First of all I would like to give all Glory to God?" That is always a nice and appropriate gesture, one that Colt has given many times, but it is also easier to do. It is does not test one's Faith. Colt's proclamation of his Faith under severe disappointment showed the depth of his devotion to God. He passed the test. Oh Colt McCoy will be further blessed. It just didn't happen last night. God had other interests last night that we often forget about, such as, what would be the best way to inflict the most damage on the enemy and glorify God's kingdom the most amidst a spiritual battle in an unseen realm that is ongoing. Last night I believe that God's game plan was executed to perfection exactly as God himself designed. It is unbelievable how many people this has reached. Literally millions of people are talking about it. It is all over Facebook. Many people are taking a look at their priorities and are turning away from evil and toward Jesus. An unseen victory occurred last night, and there is a party going on in heaven like we cannot imagine. In the middle of it God is looking down at his young quarterback and saying "well done my humble servant." Sometimes we "just don't get it."


Rach said…
1 Corinthians 1:27-31
But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord."

This scripture came to mind when I read this blog post. How many times have we seen the work of the Lord at greater reward after we've gone through times of trial and weakness? I remember a lesson we heard out at CBH this past summer over this exact message. How we should be praying for trials and weak times, because that is when the Lord's power is at it's brightest, shining through our lives. I am proud of all of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are fighting through this spiritual battle with loud voices about who our eternal King is -- even amidst trying times. I am so proud of my brother in Christ, Colt, for displaying a Christ-like attitude the other night. My prayer is that we would all remember to bless Christ's name - when he giveth and even when he taketh away - I mean, we're standing on the indestructible ROCK, why not?!
Candie said…
My, my. No one could have said it better. Your friend was exactly right.
Brent Riggs said…
Amy... got your comment on our blog. My email address is

Would you email directly and I'll send you a note to pass on to Colt. What is your relationship to him?

Thanks so much for responding to my post about him. As a very "serious" Christian (, I was astonished at his maturity. He is MODEL to Christians of all ages, especially in this age of spiritual immaturity. I would consider it a HUGE honor to do a story on him. The football aspect would be secondary... I want to do a story on Colt "the person, the Christian, the young man of faith and character".

I have a note prepared for you to pass on to him... I look forward to hearing from you.

Blessings, Brent
Brent Riggs said…
I have a letter ready to send on to Colt whenever you get a chance... my email is

Thanks so much for helping out. Thank you for having Abby on your blog. We are so blessed to know wonderful folks like you.

I love this post, AMy! I was so proud of Colt and I hope and pray that my children will be able to have a faith that strong when they face their trials in life!

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