Don't read this if you like people to be politically correct.

I feel a real need to talk about this today. I know that it is not cool to talk about political things in most circles but I am so very concerned about this Health Care Bill that the President is determined to make a vote on, on this Sunday. Actually they really don't even want to take a vote, they just want to push it through in what I believe is a fraudulent way. I am just afraid that down the road our children and grandchildren will ask us why we did not put up more of a fight than we did when all of this was happening. And yes, call me crazy, but I believe this is all a spiritual battle as well as a political battle. I will not expound on that right now but to me it truly is spiritual. I am asking you to pray for this bill's defeat and to let our voices be heard in Washington.

Prov. 18:5-
It is not good to be partial to the wicked
or to deprive the innocent of justice.

Prov. 18:10:
The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
the righteous run to it and are safe.

This is from the American Family Association:

Time for a goal-line stand on ObamaCare

Urgent: Call your representative TODAY and urge him to vote "No"

March 18, 2010

Dear Friend,

Despite the fact that over 60% of the American people want President Obama and congressional Democrats to tear up the monstrous health care bill and start all over, they seem determined to ram the government takeover of health care down our throats.

They are attempting to force a vote this weekend on a sham "reconciliation" bill and using a plan to pass the Senate version of the health care bill without even voting on it. They are simply going to "deem" the Senate bill to have passed, an unconstitutional and unprecedented tactic even the Washington Post says is "dodgy."

Here are some other key points:
In a "Fact Check" piece, the Associated Press warns that if ObamaCare passes, your health care premiums will actually go up rather than down.

A survey published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that 46% of doctors will seriously consider leaving the medical profession if ObamaCare goes through. What good is health insurance if you have no doctor to go to?

Americans for Tax Reform estimates that because of the bill's onerous impact on small businesses, ObamaCare will cost the American economy 690,000 jobs over the next decade.

If ObamaCare passes, taxpayers will be funding abortions in the U.S. for the first time ever.

The Democrats are struggling to get the votes they need, and they are putting enormous pressure on wavering congressmen. It's 4th down and goal to go, and "we the people" must rise up as one and stand against this last-ditch effort to totally remake the country we love.

Take Action: Go here to get your representatives phone numbers and call and politely ask them to say NO.

Talking points:
1) I urge you to vote "No" on the government takeover of health care because in a "Fact Check" piece, the Associated Press warns that if ObamaCare passes, our health care premiums will actually go up rather than down.

2) A survey published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that 46% of doctors will seriously consider leaving the medical profession if ObamaCare goes through.

3)I urge you to vote "No" on the government takeover of health care because taxpayers will be funding abortions in the U.S. for the first time ever.

4)I urge you to vote "No" on the government takeover of health care because Americans for Tax Reform estimates that because of the bill's onerous impact on small businesses, ObamaCare will cost the American economy 690,000 jobs over the next decade.

For the White House switchboard:
• Dial: 877-762-8762 or 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121
Call and ask for your representative and ask them to say no on the health care bill.

I hope that I do not sound disrespectful to our President. I know he is our authority right now and that God asks us to give respect. I do however believe that we have a voice and can use it to stop something that is so obviously wrong and will take us all down a socialistic path that we do not want to go down.

Blessings, and lets do something about it.


I am all for speaking what needs to be spoken even if it is not politically correct. Thank you for sharing this info. I have tried contacting our representative and called all the other numbers as well, but they are all busy. I will keep trying!
My friends and I are praying AGAINST this as well. I am in TOTAL agreement with you...this is a HUGE spiritual Battle we are fighting...But we can make a difference. The power of prayer is so amazing.

Politically correct is not usually Correct! lol

my friend is a part of this group...check it out.

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