Old Houses and Porches...Love Em

The Point of Porches by Bill Price

The Point of Porches is two-fold to hear and to be heard
We sit and talk and rock away the hours with each word
And in the quiet moments as dusk slides into dark
the crickets chirp the evening song we hear a far off lark.
There's nothing more serene than porches shared with friends
in quiet conversations no beginnings and no ends
So join us on the porch kick off your shoes and smile
we're so glad you're here with us
Let's sit and talk awhile.

Lovely old homes in our beautiful town...

Don't you love big, wide, shady porches?
So yellowie cheerful. One of my favorite houses. Such a friendly house.
Would love to live in one of these beauties.
Another yellow lovely.
Would love to live here and sip coffee on this front porch. ahh...
Rocking chairs, lace curtains, screen door...I love it.

Have a beautiful, blessed day. Let's take some time to sit on our porches and
sit and talk a while. Love, Amy


Rach said…
I think that first picture is the house from Pollyanna, no?? :)

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