Runnin Around...

I was blessed on Monday to be able to travel to Dallas to watch Brad and Debra accept an award for Colt for College Christian Athlete of the Year. The banquet was wonderful with hundreds of high school athletes proclaiming what Jesus means to them. Very inspiring. The picture below is of Mom and Dad, Brad and Debra with Chris Christian (Smith) and his beautiful wife. (The song that is playing is his song from 1977- Mountain Top.) He is the singer/producer that really started Christian music by producing Amy Grant back when she got started.) We used to sing his song "Love Em While You Can". Awesome to see him and visit with him.
Didn't they look handsome and beautiful?
Brad also spoke the next morning at the Dallas Men's annual Prayer Breakfast. He did a great job and it was also a very inspirational morning. There are alot of serious, praying Christians out there. I witnessed it over the past few days. I am thankful I had the opportunity to be there.

Mom and Dad and I then went to visit family in the area. It was a joyful, laughing, wonderful time.
My cousin LouAnn and her Mom and Dad from Kentucky drove down for a visit. SO good to see them and hug them and fellowship with them.
It is now time to get something done around here. There are flowers and a vegetable garden that need planting.
Blessings on your day.
Remember that God is in control of our lives no matter what.

As for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
2 Thess. 3:13


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