Living Lukewarm...

The Youth Retreat last weekend was about living in the middle and not really choosing to live fully for God. It was good and hopefully brought us all more to the conclusion that selling out for God and living out loud is THE way to go. We had the retreat out at Shiloh Farm. It is one of our church elder's land and home. It was peaceful and cleansing to be out in the woods with the sound of the bull frogs, crickets, dogs barking, the pitter patter of rain and kids laughing. We saw fireflies and enjoyed friendships being made. Thank you God for bringing us closer to You.
How lovely the sun is on the pines.
This picture is of Buffalo Bill Cody.

This is a picture of John Bob Cody. The owner of Shiloh Farm. He is a descendant of Buffalo Bill Cody. He is just as great an entertainer as his relative. So interesting and very cool.

Histerical Marker on the cabin that we stayed in. So funny.
Lovely swings. Nothing like swinging.
Lane coming up to the Cody's house. Tranquil.
The great fisherman
Canoe races.

Why stay in the boat when you can walk on water? Indeed!
Wes...pontificating about something.
Very cool spot that John Bob has out on his trails. Thank you God for that tranquil, wonderful time we had to commune with You and each other.
Sweet kids.

Blessings on your day. I pray that we will all get off the fence and out of the middle and live with complete abandon and love for God.
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."


Liz Crittenden said…
Good, challenging words.. I am often lazy & would rather just coast than confront or take a stand. Don't always want to use the energy it takes to be wholehearted.
Glad ya'll had the time to reflect & be challenged.

Love ya'll!

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