Dragon Football, Meet the Coaches & Teams

We feel the cold...well...cool front this morning! We are going to be under 100 today! Weird when 96 degrees sounds decent or even cool! I got out and walked this morning for the first time in months. I spent a lot of time praising the Lord for the cooler temps and breeze. Ahh...

We had our meet the coaches and teams a few nights ago. It was fun and the band played and cheerleaders cheered and football boys chanted. School is underway and we are doing just fine.

Here are a few pictures from last Monday night...

Our new coach. Coach Ford. This picture kind of made us laugh. It does not take much to make us laugh! Welcome! Coach Ford!

Pretty little cheerleaders and drill team

Our sweet Wesley...is all grown up. sniff. sniff.

The football team have some great chants to get help them get pumped up.

Reminded us of "Remember the Titans."
Very cool.
Blessings on your day.

Abiding love surrounds those who trust in the Lord. Ps. 32:10


So it looks like you are raising Godly football players also....that is just awesome.
You now have an "Aggie" that is awesome also!!!
Blessings on your football season. None of mine have played football...only baseball and basketball...but we do love watching!

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