One Last Trip to the Mountains...

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger
who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation,
the good news that the God of Israel reigns!
Isaiah 52:7

We made one last trip to New Mexico for the 7th session blessing. It was two days of work (cleaning camp) and praying with counselors and fun. I am so thankful for the counselors and staff that gave up their summer to teach kids about God and to spread His good news.
Here are just a few more pictures of the cool...beautiful mountains and God's servants of the summer of 2010 at Camp Blue Haven.
Blessings on your day. Amy

The next few pictures are of a ranch that sits on the road not far from Blue Haven. It is a wonderful looking place and I love to see it every time we round that corner into that valley. Ah...lovely.

Will and Ben being goofy as usual. Fake mustaches.
Fun times...
Beautiful girls

Outdoor slide show on Friday night.
New teacher quad. cabin
If you look close you can see one of the ropes course workers on a line close to the top of the trees. yikes! Scary.
Love you Sann man.

Will and Ben...jousting WAY up in the air.

My sweet Mama and brother.
Will and Natalie
Boys cabins


That looks amazing! I have a client who's kid's go to your camp. They love it! I hope that my kid's will get to experience your camp someday! Great pics!
What an absolutely BEauTiFUl place. So glad you enjoyed your time there.
Hope you are feeling better and all is well. Take care.

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