School Days...
I woke up this morning to the sound of gentle rain. So nice. Two hummingbirds were flitting around our hummingbird feeder. They are just so cool to watch. It was a peaceful, tranquil moment before this getting ready for school morning started.
Yep, summer is over! To tell you the truth, I am kind of glad to say goodbye to summer. Routine is always nice to get back into. Also, hopefully saying goodbye to summer will mean the temperature will cool down sometime soon too! Today it is supposed to be 101 degrees here in East Texas. So...think fall...think cool!
We took Will to C. Station yesterday to check him into the dorm. It was crazy and fun and hot and a little overwhelming. He is living in a dorm that is going to be torn down next year. (That will be a good thing I think.) It was small and old and well...old, but boy did it look like fun for our college student. I pray it will be a great experience for him and that he will do well. He starts classes next Monday. This week is filled with making new friends and seeing all of his Blue Haven buddies along with SOAR with Aggies For Christ. We have to make that first payment to A&M by Wed. OUCH! Hope he studies hard! So happy he is there and we are excited about all of the fun and experiences he will have as a Texas Aggie! Whoop!!!
Wes drove off this morning for his last first day of school. He is a senior this year and is quite full of it! ha. No. Really... seriously. He is busy with football and starting today...with studying! (We are praying so!!) I am sure we will have to remind him this week that summer is over and the late nights have GOT TO STOP!!! Whew...just getting ready for that lecture. Truthfully... he is delightful. We are looking forward to a great year with him and will cherish every minute left with our sweet Wesley.
I am thankful for so much this morning. Especially for my husband that works so hard and loves us so beautifully. For boys that love the Lord above all else. For being alive and for the opportunities to live a more Godly life that will glorify Him every day. This time of year as we get back into the routines of the school year it is always motivating to work on eating better and exercising and purposefully having quiet time communicating with God.
I pray that we can find new ways to serve other people and to further the Kingdom and bless the Lord. He blesses us so abundantly. Let's walk together with single purpose to love Him more fully and to love people with great devotion and tireless love.
Father, please bless Will and Wes today to feel Your presence and to love the people around them with Your love and hands and feet. Shower our boys and loved ones with courage and keep them safe. Please give us all the eyes to see our path to walk for You and the eyes to see how to serve other people for You.
Looking out at Kyle Field. I asked him if he was sad he is not playing football. He gave me a quick no. I am thankful. He will have time to take AFC weekends and to be a church consistently, to study and actually have time for friends and life. He is going to have a great year.
Love these boys, but I may have to shave Wesley's head during the night soon. I feel like we are back in 1978 or 79'. His hair brings back some scary memories. But, hey there are more important battles to fight than the hair battle. (I keep telling myself that over and over.)
Anyway...enough rambling thoughts for one day! Blessings! Talk to you soon.
I'm counting days until fall, too!!!!