Samson No More

Yesterday was the day that we finally talked Wes into getting a haircut! Whew...we lovingly told him how much better looking he is with it shorter and a million other reasons along with his Dad saying he could just hit the road if he didn't cut it! Just kidding. It looks SO good. He sent me a text from school today and asked if I could find something he could take that would make his hair grow faster. He said he misses his hair. Oh my goodness.

Really though, I know that this hair issue is not an important one compared to so many others. He was kind of ready for it I think. He will be cooler playing football but now we can't call him Sunshine anymore! Have a happy Monday. Blessings.


Diana Ferguson said…
Love the cut!!! He looks too cute.
Too funny...been there more than once with my guys...just recently with our 14 year his baseball helmet fits so much better!!!
Moms of boys!!!!

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