
Good morning! It's a lovely hot day and the sun is shining bright! It's also Friday! Woo Hoo! My parents are coming over from lovely West Texas to piney East Texas today to watch Wes the Mess play football tonight. Go Dragons! Anyway, I am thankful this morning for more energy and for family and well...all the blessings that God showers down upon us. It is so easy to let the cares and the troubles of the day get us down. I also know it is hard to count your blessings and to feel "up" every day also. But...for today I will count my blessings and give God a thank you all day long. We are so blessed. This picture below shows what my little calendar said for the day.
Blessings brighten when we count them. Sometimes we just have to have a shift in attitude and be determined to see the good and just refuse to look at the bad.

I have had a terrible struggle the past nearly four months with Epstein Barr Virus Syndrome. Medications have not seemed to work (antivirals) and boy have I been down. No energy, sore throat, grumpy, heart palpitations...and I could go on. It is so hard to do everyday things that you need to do when you feel (I would like to say crappy, but my Mom would get onto me...:) really bad. Anyway, I am rejoicing because I found a product that is giving me life again. I researched holistic help for Epstein Barr and this is what I found. Cell Food. Awesome. I am feeling just about my old self again. I have walked everyday and lifted weights the past week and I am still going in the evenings. Praise the Lord. Please check out this product if you need more energy, plus a million other benefits. I bought it at our local health food store.
Oh, by the way, thought you might enjoy this book. I can't put it down and I have read it before! Awesome!
I know this blog post is really random, but hey, that is me. I have been a bad Mom. It has been 4 weeks and I have not sent Will a letter or care package at college. Good grief. I am falling down on the job. So...I fixed him up a BIG one yesterday and put it in the mail. Contents below.
Yesterday we worked in the yard and flowers beds. I needed to clear out all of the dead and dying plants that the heat has sucked all the life out of. It looks better but a little bare now. Below are are few yard pics from this morning. The sun was shining so gloriously on the yard.

This sweet little piggie was given to me by my sister (in law) Debra. I just love him. He is so cheerful and happy and snorts at my feet when I walk in our out of the door. Thanks Debra. He now has a new head of hair (ivy) and is happy.
Blessings on your weekend! Let's keep counting our blessings every minute!

Ephesians 1:1-3
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,
To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.


Diana Ferguson said…
Glad you are feeling better!!! Enjoy that family time.
Alyssa said…
I read this a few days ago and meant to comment. I'm so grateful to the Lord for your healing!

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