Chance McCoy...In The News...

Way to go Chance!! Blessings on your football season!


Comments we do!!! And I have loved seeing your whole sports family...but more than that your faith...and encouragement for all us sports moms! Mine probably will never be in the paper, but they walk for the Lord and shine while helping with kids sports and intercity ministries. Each has his/her own journey...but for all of us Christian moms the walk we desire the most is their spiritual walk.
Blessings to your whole sports family...may they all continue to shine for Christ!!
Robyn Lowe said…
Love reading your blog, Amy! Thank you for sharing your experiences, your family and your heart with us.
You are such a blessing!
TexWisGirl said…
Your family is why they make tv shows like "Friday Night Lights." Congrats!

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