God Is Good...All The Time

Mean metal thing that pulled Dad off of the top of his tractor.

Good morning! It's a new week. I was able to go and spend time with Mom and Dad from Wed. to Sat. The first few days were really very scary. He was in so much pain that he could hardly move. We were very concerned about his hundreds of cuts and abrasions getting infected and the possibility of pneumonia from laying in the bed and not moving much. He could not get a deep breath because of the broken sternum and rib. He also had bad pain on his left side and could not comfortably lay on that side. To say that pain killers were his best friend for about three days would be an understatement!

God is so good to answer our prayers for safety from the things we were concerned about and for the relief of much of the pain. Dad had a wonderfully positive mind set and it really helped him get through some tough days. By Sat. morning they had him sit up a little and even walk a little. We were clapping and smiling and taking pictures and thanking the good Lord.
( I can't post those pictures or he might kill me! ha.) He even felt good enough to watch Colt's game via the internet in his hospital room last night. Of course he would have to be in REALLY bad shape not to tune into Colt's games. I am sure it was good for him and took his mind off of his pain for a while.

(Oh, by the way... to my blogger friend who asked... yes, that is Colt in my header picture driving the old ranch car we called the Tiger car. It was bright orange with black stripes like a tiger. I think Will eventually wrecked it when he hit a tree going around corner one time.)

Thank you Father God for letting Daddy stay here with us longer and safeguarding his life through that accident. Thank you also for all of the sweet friends and family that brought baskets of goodies and sent flowers and came by to share their smiles and love. We are all so richly blessed. I do hope that if he had not made it through this ordeal that we would still be praising our God even through the storm. I am so happy and thankful that is not the case though. God is truly good. All the time. No matter what.

DaddyBurl with Ky. Sweet picture taken at the ranch last year.
Gorgeous fall picture. The Ranch.
Dad...get out of that hospital and meet us for Thanksgiving! Can't wait to see you in a week or so. We are going to hide your tractor...love you.

Blessings! Amy


Michelle said…
I am so grateful that your dad is recovering well. I have been keeping up with the updates, thank you for posting them.
TexWisGirl said…
Hurray! SO glad to hear he's doing well. You can just see the love around that tableful! I hope he will be strong enough to get out of the hospital soon. I think it would be okay to take away those tractor keys - as long as one of those sons are sent to do the chores! :)
Diana Ferguson said…
Praise!!!! Glad to hear the good news on your dad.

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