News on Dad...

I ended up going to be with Dad yesterday because there was some concern about a small bleed in his brain. That turned out to be ok and through another Cat scan it showed that it was small and not a problem or growing. He was in such terrific pain though with his neck and chest. With a cracked sternum it is so hard to breathe without it really hurting. Forget coughing or rolling over or laughing. (There wasn't much laughing yesterday but we attempted it a few times and it did not mix too well with the pain problem, ha.)

It is so hard to see someone you love hurt so badly. He is very tough but when you have been run over by a tractor it brings even the toughest to their knees. He is so very cut up and bruised with a big cut on his head and over one eye and serious trauma to his left arm. Praise the Lord he landed on his stomach and not his back before it ran over him. The doc said we would be planning a funeral if he had been on his back. So blessed.

Mom is hanging in there. She is struggling with diabetes and so stress does not help to keep her numbers where they should be. Amazingly she is doing pretty good today too. I can only credit God with giving her the peace that passes all understanding. So...thank you for your prayers. We sure felt them yesterday and through the night when we were so very concerned about how things were going to go. We are praying for no infection to set in and for his lungs to stay clear.
GOD IS SO GOOD! Blessings. Talk to you soon. Amy


TexWisGirl said…
I'm so glad things appear to be relatively stable for your dad (and mom!) God bless them both. I know it must be so hard to see your father in pain. May he heal quickly! :)
jim said…
To all the McCoys: From the Kelly Cousins. (Hollis, Charles, Myrt and Jimmie) We feel so close to you all even so many years and miles apart. So it hurts to know Burl was so injured. We got the news about Burl yesterday and we pray for his continued recovery.
Oh my gosh...too much excitement in your family. Praise God your dad is going to be ok...Sending healing prayers for he and your mom.
Take care.

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