Good Books...And Random Photos

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Matt. 6:33

A blogger/minister friend of mine just put this on his facebook status. : Following Jesus often means living in a way that others see as crazy. If your life seems normal to unbelievers that may be a sign something's not right. (Trey Morgan)

Good morning! Just some random thoughts this morning. I wanted to share with you some really good books that some REALLY sweet people gave me for Christmas.

Debra and Brad gave us this one. Love and Respect.
I am in the second chapter and boy, it is good. Check it out.
These books are called "The Potluck Club" books. They are Christian fiction with good recipes and lot of humour and even suspense. They remind me a little of the "Mitford" books except faster and more light hearted. Enjoying them. Thank you Mom!
We (I) like to keep a little Christmas alive all year long so I love to leave out this twinkly light jar to enjoy. It makes me smile.
Did your boys (when they were little) wear shorts with cowboy boots all year long no matter how cold it was? These children above are not kin to me but I liked the picture. You will see in the picture below...our big boy is still doing it! ha. He got work boots for Christmas and this was his attire while racking leaves. Love it.

Notice...wonderful husband is all covered up and boys are running around in 40 degree weather like it is 80 degrees. gotta love em. These things I used to bug them about but now just say...whatever. With a smile.
Those are quite enough random thoughts for today. I must get going on my list...

1. Reading the entry in my Daily Bible for today now that it is quiet and everyone is gone. I really like to do this early in the morning but well...the bag monster (as my husband calls the bed) had me this morning.

2. Get out to get some exercise...this new year I plan on kissing 10 pounds goodbye. Check out this interesting article about aerobic exercise versus speed/burst training for strengthening muscles and loosing weight. Very interesting.

3. Plan menu for the month and get back on the cash only budgeting system. Let's get it together people! (I am talking to myself)

Those three are enough to keep me busy for today! Oh, and I am applying for a job. :( Gotta do what you gotta do.
Blessings friends! Amy


We went through Love and Respect Couple was great, but the thing I loved the most was I had a new understanding of my boys!! I realized that I had crossed the line in what they were comfortable too many times. I have now learned to just go out and watch them work and just be there...silent, even with my boys.
It was also helpful for both of us...I gave the book to my son and his wife, don't know if they have read it or not.

Your others look interesting...your goals for the year look wonderful.
Love the pictures of boys in boots with shorts, we have some of those around here.
Have a great weekend.
Farm Girl said…
Thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment. I cannot say enough good things about the Love and Respect book. It is just full of profound thoughts and now with some of my children married with children of their own, it has even a more profound message. I like your jar with the light in it. I kept my lighted baskets out too. For the same reason, it makes me smile. Blessings to you,
TexWisGirl said…
Love the boys in their shorts and boots! :)
Becky W said…
Please Please give reviews of the books when you are through! I have wanted to read all of those!

Love the pics of the boys in the boots! Mine do that, too!

Blessings on you as you pursue your goals and the job!

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