Change of Plans...

Good morning! Do you ever have months were things just seem to be in a state of upheaval?

When it seems like you get over and through one tough thing and another jumps up?

(Knock on wood.) Months like these sure do keep me in better touch with the good Lord and I am ok with that.

Our oldest boy is trying to get in better shape to try out for the Aggie football team. He has worked so hard. The tryout is next week and yesterday he pulled a hamstring as he was training on a sprint. Devastated. That is what he was. Sid and I jumped in the car and went to see him yesterday and helped him get into a physical therapist.

As you get older you can see from your past the detours that God took in your life and that they were with out a doubt better paths than what you had planned. It is hard to have plans changed when you are so excited and working so hard. We did a lot of talking about seeing the big picture and just trusting in God when things don't go according to our own plans.

His state of mind is better and I am thankful for his friend's and mentor's that encourage him in the Lord. What a blessing to be in a community of brother's and sister's that point you to God in every circumstance. His physical therapist is a believer and when he walked into the room he closed the door and said, "Let's pray first. That is the most important thing we could do."
Awesome!! So very true.
As we were helping Will , this verse kept coming to mind:

Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Is your husband addicted to eating sunflower seeds while driving? Mine sure is. Says it keeps him awake. I love this spot on the trip to see young William. So lovely.
East Texas beauty.

Father and Son...Encouragement. What a blessing to have a Godly husband that loves being a Dad. This man loves his boys.
Aren't these live Oaks beautiful? They are outside of Will's dorm.

Back at home this morning the birds are chomping away. I think they might be getting a little hefty. This one is a pig but he sure is cute.
This beautiful dove was calling to me yesterday. I love the cooing of doves. It is just a spring time sound that kind of makes my heart beat faster as we look to the arrival of spring.

Blessings on your day. Remember the verse above!

In all our ways acknowledge Him! He will make our paths straight!

Love, Amy


TexWisGirl said…
Love that little chubby chickadee! Great shot! Hope your son's hamstring can heal. :(
Debbie Petras said…
Amy, what beautiful photos! I love the road with all of the trees. We don't see too much of that in Phoenix.
Alyssa said…
The picture of your husband walking beside your son reminds me so much of the scene when Brad was walking beside Colt after his injury at the National Championship. I pray that God will encourage Will, as well as you and your husband, as y'all wait for his hamstring to heal. May His peace prevail during this time of uncertainty.
Great pics Amy... I pray that Will's muscle is HEALED. Praise the Lord for parents like you and Sid.

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