Valentine's Sweet...

Cheryl's Marshmallow Crescent Rolls

2 Package's of Crescent rolls

16 marshmallows

1 T Cinnamon

Fourth cup of sugar

1 stick of butter

Separate crescent rolls. Take marshmallow and roll in melted butter and then in cinnamon-sugar mixture. Place on the long end of the roll and roll up to the small point around the marshmallow. Dip the roll in melted butter and place in a muffin tin. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes or until golden. Frost while warm with a frosting made from powdered sugar and water. (Great without frosting too.) Enjoy...

I pray that this Valentine's Day is finding you well and cheerful. I think for a lot of people Valentine's Day is not a particularly wonderful day depending on your circumstances. For you that feel left out or unloved or sad...may the joy of the Lord be your strength and your song. For too many years I have put too high of expectations on Valentine's Day. I guess that is just because I am a girl and there has always been so much hype about it. I don't think I really meant too but I did. My husband and boys love me and show appreciation most every day. I am blessed and thankful. What more could a girl ask for than to be loved all of the time including this Valentine's holiday? Love you Sidney! You too W and W!
My Sweetheart...

Blessings on your Valentine's Day!

I speak from experience saying...don't wait for someone to make your day special today...go out and bless and make someone else's day special!

Scripture for today:

Matt. 28:18-20

Jesus came to them and said:

I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you.

I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.


TexWisGirl said…
Happy full hearts day to you and yours! :)
I love this luscious recipe! Thanks for sharing it and thanks for sharing the powerful words of the Lord. Blessings to you and your loved one's!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Nana's Nuggets said…
Hi! Amy, this dessert sounds so good, I love crescent rolls, will have to do this one! and as I said in my Valentines post today... make everyday a Love day!
Susiej said…
It would be very nice if you would provide the link to the photo that you have used from my blog of these rolls. It is here: Susiej's Crescent Puffs

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