
Dad's right vocal cord was paralyzed and he has been enduring problems pertaining to this for the past 8 months or so. We think this problem started when his tractor ran over him (he is blessed to be alive of course). It was then exacerbated by a neck surgery. Anyway, he talks with mostly a whisper or very quiet voice and has issues with eating and drinking and coughing and choking. Mom and I went with him to Houston this week and saw a wonderful throat doctor there that says he can fix Dad's problem with surgery. We are rejoicing that something can be done and prayerful that it will all go well. We will take him down there in a few weeks for the surgery. I praise the Lord for saving Dad from death during that accident and for giving Him back his strength and health and now voice. Thank you for your prayers during this trying and difficult time for Dad. I love this picture of these two. It seems like yesterday that Wes was this age. It has been a wonderful 18 years of laughter and blessings with this child. He sure loves his DaddyBurl.

Random thought:
I am teaching ladies class tonight at church. I hate to teach. It just does not come naturally for me. I love to study to teach though, because it is so awesome to be in God's word. In my mind I can see myself imparting wonderful words of wisdom and strength to women. I get so excited when I read God's word and His promises but when I try to teach in front of other women I either just cry or stutter or go blank. Bummer.

For those of you that have this hindrance (not speaking well in front of other people), how do you cope? Any words of wisdom? I would love to be confident and calm and in my right mind. ha! I do trust the Holy Spirit to give me words. I am thankful. Just wish I could be more calm and peaceful. Whew...any words of wisdom would be welcome.

I am speaking mostly from Ps. 119. It is SO rich with thoughts about being IN the Word. Here are a few words that blessed me this morning...

Psalm 119:9-16

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.

I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Praise be to you, LORD; teach me your decrees.

With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth.

I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.

I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.

I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.


TexWisGirl said…
when i'm in front of a group of people, if i get self-conscious or whatever, i just remember we're all humans. we're all the same - afraid, nervous, trying to be liked. we're all the same.
Becky W said…
Prayers for your dad and the doctors who will be tending to him.
Prayers for you - I know you will be a blessing to all who hear and I know God will work through you!! Let HIM speak through you!!!! What a vessel you are for Him!!! Please share more on what you taught!
I say a specific prayer to God that HE can give me the words and that the focus is all on HIM and not me. I also remind myself that God put me in this position and wants me to do well and for my words to be received well! You are so brave to do this even though it makes you nervous!
Oh yeah, so happy for the news about your Dad too!
Unknown said…
I share your dilemma in loving to study but not truly comfortable teaching. I've realized that when I'm in front of a ladies group they are usually my closest friends and that they want me to do well! That thought helps me tremendously. Remember to BREATHE :) I've noticed that I try to do everything with one breath - consequently, shaky voice - HA! I guess this is a little late for your class last Wednesday - but, possibly helpful for later. Will pray for your dad!
Becky V said…
The way I cope with this same problem, Amy, is I usually weasel out of doing it! So my hat is off to you for going ahead in spite of your fear. I also appreciate your honesty, and I agree so much with your thought that we should not come to church and hide all our struggles and try to look like we always have life under control. And as someone who was there to hear your lesson, I want you to know that it was my favorite one so far this spring. You speak from the heart and it shows.

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