Kitchen Dreams...

Way back about 10 years ago we built a house.

It had lovely red cabinets. They looked just about like these below.

I loved that kitchen.

I love my kitchen now.

Really, I have learned that we can be happy in any house.

I don't think we will ever build again. It was fun but way overrated.

Way too much time involved in getting it done when you can just find one and move in.

Not sure why I am thinking about kitchen's today. They are just happy places. The smell of food and sound of fellowship and laughter. The hub of most homes.
I love my friend Cheryl's kitchen. It is gorgeous and it is big so that she can fill it with people all of the time. She is an incredible cook but more importantly a person that loves to give the gift of fellowship. Her kitchen is like she armed and open hearted. Check out her blog:

Here is where my kitchen dreams really get going. I love these pictures below. This white kitchen with tiny splashes of color is so lovely. Peaceful and warm and sunny looking. Not that I will ever have such a kitchen and that is ok. I do enjoy looking at this picture every now and then though. I guess I would say it has kind of a cottage look? I'm not sure but I like it.

I think this kitchen also should have a backyard like this one. A place to sit and read and listen to the birds and smell the flowers.
Oh, and the house might look like this too...

Wow...not sure where this is going but the picture above just leads my mind to heaven.

I don't really care much what my kitchen or backyard or house looks like here on earth. I don't even really care what my home will look like in heaven.

I am sure there it will be more beautiful than I can possibly imagine.
Funny how as you get older the "things" of this world seem much less important. on earth in our kitchen's I pray they will be places of happy, blessed fellowship and hospitality with those we love and with strangers we can bless.

Have a happy, blessed day. Love, Amy


TexWisGirl said…
As long as you have a happy,healthy family, I don't think it matters what your home looks like - as long as it's filled with love. :) (and dog hair in my case!)
Oh totally agree on all points...and love the dream kitchens also, but memories, good food and family is what it is all about, and it becomes even more so as they spread their wings and fly from our nest.
What sweet thoughts - I do LOVE my kitchen - it is where we all end up. So many happy memories in that room. My next dream though is to have an outdoor kitchen! Much love to you Amy -

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