Life Moves On...

We were visiting our oldest last weekend and stayed with Sid's Dad. It is still so strange and well...I don't know the words. Mama Jo is not there. She should still be there up early reading her Bible and fixing breakfast and smiling and encouraging. She would have loved having two of her grandkids living in the same town as her.

Life has gone on and really everyone is doing pretty good. It is just so strange. Before we left I took a picture of this beautiful painting of Sid and his brother's and sister. I love it. All gorgeous red heads, except for one handsome blond headed brother. Life moves on...I am thankful that we know the ending...I am thankful that we will see Mama Jo again...I am thankful that DaddyBob is doing good...I am thankful...

Life moves on...this is the front yard of the house we have found for the boys and their buddies to live in next year. I am so excited for them and a little nervous. I am sure they will all do great. We (all the mom's and dad's) will of course be praying them through these years ahead. This swing looks like a nice, peaceful place to ponder life and swing with a sweetheart. I am sure that kind of thing will be going on too... As life moves on I pray prayers of blessing and guidance and strength and protection of this home and our boys. I pray they be the leader's that God has designed them to be. I pray that they are lit by His fire everyday through His word and through their accountability and fellowship. I pray blessings on this home and these boys...
Deut. 10: 21-

He is your praise, He is your God.


Glyn said…
You bless my heart!!

So thankful we know we'll all be together again someday!! :) Thank goodness this world is not all there is to life!!

LOVE that swing!!! :) What lucky boys they are to have a momma like you!!
Love you Amy - love reading your thoughts....

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