Sunday thoughts...

Worship was wonderful this morning. Singing praises, having my heart moved and touched and having the blessing of singing Hosanna to the Highest. Praise. Palm Sunday. Today in the cycle of Passover would be Palm Sunday.

Thoughts from today's good news: (Michael Harbour)

Matt. 21:9- The crowds that went ahead of Him and that followed were SHOUTING, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna is the highest heaven!"

What difference does it make in my life? Does Jesus make a difference?

John 1:29- Behold , the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.

All the difference. That is what it makes. All the difference.

God has made the world, the whole world, acceptable to Himself, by the blood of His Son.

I am saved. I am loved. It makes all the difference.

Yesterday we had a most beautiful day here with crisp cool air and warm sun. We were blessed to be able to spend some of the day in the flower beds adding some lovely color. As you can see even our little piggy that stands by the back door has some added color. I love these little mossy looking grasses. We have this cool, green, shady spot that I hope they will like to live in. I spilled a little birdseed on the patio while filling the bird feeders. These red birds and our woodpecker friend are enjoying filling their tummies. Mr. Woodpecker has a really sweet face.

Mom and Dad and I are headed to Houston in the morning for his surgery on Tue. morning. We are already rejoicing and thanking God that he will have his voice back in a few days. We appreciate your prayers for the healing of his paralyzed vocal cord. Also:

West Texas is burning up. Fires are burning out of control and the wind is raging. Please join us in praying for the good Lord to send rain. Please.

This picture is of a fire that is close to Possum Kingdom Lake near Graham, Texas. This is just one of many fires that have been burning in west and central Texas.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Love you and Blessings. Amy


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