These Crazy Days...

On these crazy days...

Words like these are so comforting and strengthening...

Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will never pass away.

Luke 21:33

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.

Ps. 71:1-2

Wild storms in our part of Texas last night. Whew...thankful for the rain though. It seems we are going to get this kind of weather again today. Rain, rain...don't go away.

Any more can go away.

We went back to C. Station last weekend for Aggie Muster and to see Will. Our deal on a house that we were buying for the boys to live in next year fell through and so we had to spend time looking for another house. Grrr...spending money on inspecting a house and the inspection turning out to be really bad is VERY aggravating. Anyway, this sweet sign is the front window of a cafe we see going through a town on the way to College Station. Wish it was my cafe. How fun that would be.

Picture of the Singing Cadets and Century singers at Muster. This was at the beginning of Muster. My camera battery died right after I took this picture. I nearly threw my camera as far as I could throw it. (Are you sensing some anger issues? ya.) Working on it. :)
New house (pending a good inspection) for the boys. Love it. Perfect. So...this morning.

Today is a TAKS day at school so the seniors have no school or very little school today. While our youngest does alot of this below...he seems to think he needs to plan my day out for me. Fixing him oats and bacon and eggs and...lots of other fun things for me to do while he is resting, err...lazy or contemplating the future. My precious sister in law said to me one time that when your child is a few months away from graduation you are not as sad as you thought you would be because it is just time for them to be out there and figuring it out on their own. They are ready and you are ready. She was right. Will miss him so much but it is time. This first song that is playing is special today for Wes and for me though. Blackbird. When I let myself think about him leaving alot...I cry. Right now, though at this time...GET OFF THE COUCH!

Today I am needing and loving these Advocare products. are saving me!
This needs to be attacked...never ending laundry. Oh my goodness.
We need to play some ping pong!

Of is my friend too. Besides the caffeine help it is just comforting.

We got our first Graduation Announcement in the mail today! Isn't she lovely? Erin, daughter of my sweet cousin LouAnn and husband Philip. I am feeling great pressure to get Wesley's announcements done and in the mail.

(Me smiling) I am about to get that boy off of the couch and put him to work! Brilliant.
Are you like this? A million details and things to do? I have a long list that I have had for about a week now and not much has been crossed off yet. (Taking a deep breath.) I am sure when I hit deadlines or pass deadlines that it will all get done. Right?

I have to remember to just take it moment by moment and to be positive and spend some quiet time with Jesus. I watch my angry flashes of emotion fade away when I talk to Him.

Blessings on this busy day.

May the rest of it be full of smiles, laughter, work, rain and no tornadoes.

Love, Amy


TexWisGirl said…
(sometimes I'm really grateful I don't have kids lounging on couches - except for the dogs, that is!)

we finally got a bit of rain yesterday, but the bad storms were south of us so that must be your territory. hoping today will not be a repeat for you, but yes, we do need more rain!
Warren Baldwin said…
Yes, we can totally relate! A million things to do, and neer enough time. Daughter graduating in about 5 weeks, she just had major surgery, house needs work, starting back to school this summer .. agh! You are right, have to trust Jesus. And I can relate to the battery thing, too.
Diana Ferguson said…
Blessings! I hope that's what your week is full of!

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