The Great Golfing Adventure...

Wes wanted to go golfing. We went. We laughed. We got tired. We enjoyed.

We had some four legged visitors that were out dodging golf balls, just like us.

Weird picture.

This face tells how this boy feels about golf.

Blessings on your Monday. Amy


TexWisGirl said…
too cute. looks like you all had fun! (except for maybe that deer!)
Great pics...oh the mom of boys!

Yes my mother-in-law loves the Lord more than anything and both of her children walk with the Lord

Oh my...the song you have playing...You are going to miss I am crying!! This is the song I posted in my daughter's graduation book!! They grow tooooooooooo fast!!!
Diana Ferguson said…
Fun times and love the pics!!
Becky V said…
I don't understand that picture!! Where is Wes's body?!
Amy said…
Ha! It is weird isn't it! He was behind a hill and bent down so that it did not show the rest of his body. Very strange.

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