San Antonio River Walk...

So, there you have it. A great trip it was. The times that we are all together now are few and far between. A blessing and lots of fun. I am thankful. Nine days until Wes graduates. It is coming fast. I can't help but think about the many people that are being effected by floods and tornadoes and earthquakes. So many tough, tragic things happening. We also had a friend of ours in Lubbock suffer a devastating accidental tragedy. He accidentally shot his 9 year old grandchild. Her funeral was last night. Sid and I have had them on our hearts and minds and in our constant prayers for days. Only through God can someone survive such a heartbreak. There is nothing certain about life. I am reminded to live it out loud for God and for His glory each and every day. The Dahlstroms will have precious Soren in their cloud of witnesses awaiting their arrival in heaven. Comforting to know we will be with our loved ones again.

"Father God hold our hearts tight and walk us all through the hard times. Please give us strong arms to hold each other and not let go. Please lift our hearts and help us to endure and to thrive for You. Through our precious Lord Jesus we pray. Amen."


TexWisGirl said…
i am truly sorry for your friend and his entire family. i don't know if i could live with the weight and the heartbreak...
Diana Ferguson said…
My heart is hurting for this family!
I am sorry to hear that too! That has to be so devastating...we had a relative that accidentally ran over a child. They got through it, but it was tough. Many prayers!
Unknown said…
Amy, I found ya on faithful bloggers! I immediately liked the photos of Riverwalk in SanAntonio. I was there a few years ago and loved it! I was saddened to read about your friend in Lubbock who had this terrible accident. I will be thinking of this family and pray our Lord will wrap them in his comforting arms like only He can do!

excited to get to know you better as well, I just became a new follower!
Oh my prayers are with your friend and the family!

I am glad you had time together to cherish. This is one of my favorite places to visit! Love it!

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