Road Trip...

We were blessed to be able to hit the road one more time and head back to the mountains of New Mexico last weekend. Wes went back to work the last two weeks of Camp Blue Haven sixth session.
Not sure how we are going to pay for our gas card next month. Ouch. It sure was nice to get out of the extreme heat for a few days. We were so blessed to be there during a big rain storm and actually needed a sweatshirt. What an incredible gift! Loved it. I did not take too many pictures but here are a few below...
We went by and picked up my folks and took them with us. This gorgeous sunrise greeted us as we got up on Sat. morning at their house. A lovely sight.

The view outside our cabin on a sunny Sunday morning...

Fuzzy, (sorry) picture of the camp staff. What an awesome group of people.

Love, love, love this family. My sweet brother and wonderful wife and kiddos.

So dear to my heart.

This summer's CBH counselors. Not a more dedicated, loving group of people anywhere.

What a blessing they have been to hundreds of campers.


Need a smile? Just enjoy this picture. Silly songs night. It is indeed silly.Remember the Creator in the days of your youth. Ecc. 12:1

Blessings on your day! Amy


Warren Baldwin said…
You guys love Bible camp the way we do! I have a couple of pics posted about Silver Maple Camp which I just retured from. Had 15 baptisms in one week. Son and daughter are at another camp in Wyoming this week. Great for kids and adults.

This camp you guys are at looks like a good one.


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