Semi-Sappy Empty Nest Post...

Our boys are gone. The house is really quiet and strangely clean. The laundry is not constantly going and meals are a little weird and easy with them not here. I have not blogged for a few days. My emotions are feeling just a little raw. This morning my husband asked me to blog. I know he knows it will be about our kids. My Mom asked a few days ago if I had blogged about the boys because she did not want to read it and see my heart bleeding all over the pages. Well...those were not her exact words but that is what she meant.
Blogging is weird. Sometimes I shake my head and think, "What in the world am I doing putting my heart thoughts out there for anyone in the world to look at?" Somehow though it is good.

Anyway...I did not cry on the way home from helping them move in. I have gotten pretty good at just putting sad things away and saving tears for later. Funny thing about that though is you can't tell when it will hit you and you will be moved to tears. By the way, Mom...I am ok. Don't worry that I am a complete basket case because I am just not. I have to say that it is great that we are only 2 hours away from our children and in my mind it is comforting to think I could be over there in that short of time. They would not like me constantly being on their doorstep, so that won't be happening much but it is a good thought.

As I was saying...tears hit at strange times. I went to the grocery store when we got back and saw a box of these health food chocolate bunnies that Wes likes. I started to pick them up and thought, wow, he is not here. He will be buying his own bunnies now. Right then and there in Kroger I cried. Hard. I am sure the people that walked by thought I was having a nervous breakdown. Then there was last night. Sid and I went to see "The Help". Which by the way we would never have done on a school night with boys at home. (Yes, there are some good things to enjoy.) One of the previews was The Lion King. I guess that they are putting it back in the theaters again. Again, the tears flowed. Wes absolutely loved the Lion King. All of a sudden in my mind I was back in time at least 14 years ago sitting on a curb in Disneyland with our boys and watching the Lion King parade. When we got home from that trip we bought Wes a little stuffed Nyla lion and for years and years she was his companion. When he was packing up his stuff last week I saw that he put her in one of his boxes to go with him to college. His sentimental heart was shining through.

So, there have been a few days of melancholy and remembering and some tears, but overall we are so proud and thankful and happy for our boys. They are where God can use them and they can grow. They are with wonderful friends and brothers and we will all be ok and move forward. Sid and I have been a little down until yesterday. We both decided that we will enjoy this new journey...back to the way it was. To use a phrase from that prison movie that is always on the television..."Get busy livin...or get busy dyin." We are livin. We are lovin...we are exciting about the future! So...I will leave you with a few sappy pictures. Could not help it.

Sweet Wesley in his eighth grade football jersey.

Will and Wes on a trip to Colorado to see Bill and Shawna. The boys with their cousins in Red River. We always ate breakfast on the last day of our trip at Shotgun Willies. We managed for several years to take a picture out front of the kids by the wooden bear. Sweet memories to cherish.
This picture we took one time at Kyle Field when we snuck into a football practice. Will is hugging Wes really tight. Precious. Mama Jo would so very much would have loved having her grand kids living right there close by. I wish she was still here making wonderful meals and blessing their lives. We miss her. This fall these two boys will be sitting in these stands together watching football. My, how time flies.
Jan's mom Billy borrowed the picture above and drew me a wonderful work of art for Christmas one year. I treasure it so much.

The boys in front of gorgeous Azaleas. A long time ago.

This Daddy loves his boys.

Fish caught in Red River at the Encampment

And sweetheart. God is so good. We took this on a trip to Big Bend National Park. He still makes my heart pitter patter and makes me laugh and puts up with me and takes care of us. We are so very blessed. We plan on taking many more pictures like this in the future. Hey honey...road trip?
Blessings on the most beautiful of days. Amy

The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace. Psalm 29:11


Oh Amy...I have shed tears just reading this! How exciting that they are close to home and they are together.

I agree, tears hit at the strangest times...glad I'm not the only one! How exciting for you and your hubby to be on a "new" adventure...I know you will adjust to your "new" normal in time.
Blessings on your week...take care!

LOVED the pics ;)

p.s. Hubby watched Colt play the other night and said "McCoy looks good!"
Kathryn Abston said…
Amy, we have so many parallels, wish we lived closer! Our 2 boys have brought us such joy and just reading about chocolate bunnies (which mine love) and Nala & Lion King which our family was and is in love with brings such sweet memories rushing back. Lion King is still one of our families all time favorites! Thank you for sharing your sweet heart. My emotions are still raw with Cole gone again even though it's his sophomore yr. He of course loves UT and we are so happy for him, just a very quiet house. Wouldn't have it any other way., he is exactly where the Lord wants him. Have a blessed day Sister and again thank you for your words--I so relate! What a gift sons are : )
Nana's Nuggets said…
Hi! Amy, oh~ so feel your pain now! Awesome post, and those pics are so precious! But God has a different plan for you! ENJOY~ the moments of your time! I have so done this and yes~ it does seem a little strange even now! But I love my me time!! If you hav etime pop over to Life Blessings post today! Noreen shared a wonderful devotional on "Letting Go"! Have a Blessed week! Praying for Peace for you:).
NanaNor's said…
Hi Amy, So thankful that you came by; having kiddos fly the nest is a very hard process but I promise you will adjust. My girls didn't fly off to college but flew to their own nests with their hubby's. I didn't think I would ever get over it but I did and I can also promise their is life, fun and joy just being with your man. I am still so close with my girls but it is on a different level-you have much to look forward to. Your hubby sounds like such a wonderful godly man and I know he will also bless you.
Hugs to you today, thanks for coming by. Hugs,Noreen
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Hi Amy! I was wondering when your next post was coming...I so feel your pain! I'm not quite there yet, with 1 still in high school, but have 2 in college, and life is really weird. I loved having a full house. YOU DO HAVE A PURPOSE! I'm sure God has some neat plans for you soon!

Adorable pictures and sweet memories to hang on. My son posted something from Lion King on facebook the other day...that whole generation was greatly influences by that movie, I guess!

Finally, we are sisters in Christ and I hope to meet you someday. Psalm 29:11 is my absolute favorite verse since 2005, I found it following a tree accident when my husband was doing hurricane relief work. He's a miracle, running marathons today!

Blessings to you!
Nana's Nuggets said…
Amber Marie said…
How sweet! I love my parents so much that it hurts. It is so hard for me to understand why they give so freely to me. All they say is you will understand one day when you have your own kids. I'm so blessed and excited to experiencing loving with a parent's heart one day.
Lesley said…
I read this with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I know I am eyewitness to the time passing all too quickly with my own son and the new baby who will be born in just a few months! Thank you for sharing. You have such a sweet family and you can know with confidence that you and Sid did a wonderful job raising those boys...though I'm sure you would say that it is all by the grace of God. Which would be true as well. :)
Chelsie S. said…
Wow Amy! Reading this put so many things into a different perspective for me. I used to think my mom was crazy when she got sad because I was leaving home. Maybe that was the young immaturity of me. Now I feel bad for being so selfish at pursuing the next journey to another state that lies ahead of me. Poor mom!!! I just keep moving further and further away from her. I love you and your sweet family! Thank you for being an awesome example to me of what a Christ-like family is supposed to be like. Love!!!!!!

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