

1. a. a member of a people scattered throughout Europe and North America, who maintain a nomadic way of life in industrialized societies.

Our house has sold. We put it up for sale in July just to see if we could down size and save a little money because both boys are in college.  To those of you that have lived in the same house for years and years this seems very strange I am sure.  But you see, for Gypsy's it is not strange.  For people that love to live in new houses and like change it is not strange.  I know that we fall into that category.  Ask our friends from anywhere that we have lived.  Most of them will roll their eyes and agree. But truly, this house is just too empty and kind of lonely without two big ole boys bouncing around in it. So...we are going on an adventure. After all, we are crazy, empty nester's. 
 In a housing market that is at the least very slow here where we live, our house has just up and sold. Thank you God. This new adventure will take us into the world of leasing for the first time just to see what it is like.  We are SO excited that we have been blessed to have the opportunity to live in an old historical building that dates back to the 1880's.  It is a large open (except for two bathrooms) loft area. What fun it is going to be. So...right now I am thinking about packing up and all the work that goes with changing everything over to a new address and also getting to paint the new walls and how our furniture will work in this large open space. I love this. The picture above is the hallway entrance to the loft. The picture below is one of some exposed brick and paint colors. I would love any advise on historical paint colors from the 1880's to early 1990's.  I have probably bitten off more than I can chew but here goes...
Oh, and by the way, Sid is only about 3 weeks away from finishing his doctorate work, so he is very focused and I am kind of in this on my own for now.  That is ok and I am SO thankful he is about to conquer these last few weeks of hard work spanning now years and years. So proud of you honey!
 There is a very cool end of this loft that has this built in bookcase area. So quirky and cool.
Kind of reminds me of  the Professor's study in "My Fair Lady".  (Seeing how many times I can say "cool" about this place...)
 The kitchen is so pretty. The cabinets are beautiful craftsmen looking cabinets.
Lots of storage room. Can't wait to cook our first meal in this kitchen. 
 So, we will say goodbye soon to this lovely, sweet house.  But, after all it is just a house. You can make a home anywhere.  I remind myself that this world is not my home.  I don't want to get too comfortable in it.
Blessings on your Monday! Amy
Love these scriptures from my quiet reading time this morning:
Is. 50: 4
He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
Eph. 4: 32-
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.


Well have fun on your new adventure...did you say the new one is 2800 square downsized? Laughing since I raised five children seven of us in 2800 square feet. We finally got a larger place but when they started moving it out it was too big.

I am a stay in one place girl...but God has decided differently these past few without a mortgage we can go where He leads...that is freeing.

Congrads on the end of the degree....and enjoy fun!
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Wow! I am admiring your adventurous spirit! You remind me so much of my brother and sister in law, who have lived in about 8 houses I can think of in the past 25 years or so. They have become masters at renovation.

Congrats to your husband as well!

Funny that "This is Home" is the song on your blog! But I do get the real meaning. I think I am getting better about being not so attached to things.
Lesley said…
How fun...for you :)! I am not the kind that enjoys moving, but it's mostly the packing, lifting, and unpacking that I dislike, not the actual changing of homes. We are in the middle of a renovation at our current home and I will be glad when it's over...I imagine we'll be staying put for a while! It is fun to live in an old historic home, though. When I was at A&M a few friends and I had the privilege of living in President Rudder's old house. So cool!

You'll have to post your "after" pictures!
Sounds like a fun adventure! Ephesians 4:32 is one of my favorite verses!
Becky V said…
That's a lot of bookshelves! If I had that many I would be too tempted to buy every book I wanted! I am excited for you. Sure lots of changes in the air all around lately...

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