
Colossians 1:9-13
New Century Version
Because of this, since the day we heard about you, we have continued praying for you,
asking God that you will know fully what He wants.
We pray that you will also have great wisdom and understanding in spiritual things
so that you will live the kind of life that honors and pleases the Lord in every way.
You will produce fruit in every good work and grow in the knowledge of God.
God will strengthen you with His own great power so
that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient.
And you will joyfully give thanks to the Father who has made you
able to have a share in all that He has prepared for His people in the kingdom of light.
God has freed us from the power of darkness, and he brought us into the kingdom of his dear Son.

For some reason this scripture just seems so rich and real and powerful to me.  Knowing that we CAN have the kind of life that honors and pleases the Lord.  That He gives us strength through His power so that we can endure troubles and we will be patient in them. I suppose that is why His people can have joy in the midst of troubles through Him.
We are FREE from the power of darkness...and brought into the kingdom of His dear Son...
Speaking of darkness...
Whenever this time of year rolls around (Halloween) I am struck by lots of conflicting thoughts.  Our kids participated in Trick or Treating and it was fun. They dressed up and had cool costumes and ate lots of candy, but...there was always a side of me that just wanted it to hurry and be over.  Now, as the years have gone by I have even more of a distaste for Halloween.  I think there is enough "scary" in this world without trying to make everyone scared. Not sure what God thinks but I wonder at this feeling in my mind and heart and attribute it to the "Spirit" living in me. It is an uneasy feeling.
I do think that these scriptures speak something about it:
Gal. 5:16-19
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.  For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;  idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions  and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Deut. 18: 9-13
When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God.

Many years ago we had some very interesting things go on in our family over the Harry Potter books and Pokemon cards.  I won't get into it because I would probably get lots of ugly comments but it was clear, so very clear, that that realm of entertainment was something that we were not to take part in in any way.  So...I will let it go at that but just ask...how do you feel about Halloween?  I love this recent post at "Smelling Coffee" about spreading the sweet name of Jesus during Halloween...check it out-
These days we just skip right over Halloween and move on to Thanksgiving. By the way I saw this gorgeous pumpkin decoration on the door of a local B & B yesterday.
I only had my phone but snapped a picture.
So beautiful.
I am also already listening to this cd in my car.
Yes, it is early for Christmas music. Just can't help myself.
Blessings on your day and thanks for listening! Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
I'm with you - we really had fun with it when I was a kid and also with my kids. We didn't let them be anything scary. But it seems to me that there are lots more scary decorations and gory costumes out there now! Last year I boycotted the party store because of the gross "bloody" footsteps and yucky decor in the entry. It also seems like there are more fun parties and festivals now than there used to be, so I'm sure our grandkids won't even know what "trick or treating" is... I totally respect those who don't want to have anything to do with it. To me, it is like a lot of things. You can use it for good or bad. We embrace the good things, like fun decor, fall festival and trunk or treat and church, and giving out candy to those who come by.
I completely agree with you. If I had known what I know now I'm not sure we would have participated...Halloween is a holiday that glorifies satan and we have justified it to be an "ok" holiday...when you study the history of it. It's awful.
I love Fall and decorating for Fall...and I certainly don't look down on anyone that does celebrate it. It's just not for my family...God says his people will perish for their lack of knowledge...
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