Morning Fog and Fall Swap...

Good morning! What a gorgeous walk I had yesterday. It was foggy with the sunshine streaming through. Beautiful. I love walking for my health but even more it does great things for my mind and spirit. Just seeing the beauty around me is such a great blessing.
 Ok, truthfully, I am feeling a tad bit overwhelmed. Why is it that when I feel this way I just want to stop and crawl under the covers and take a nap? Weird.  I started packing yesterday. I am trying to do it slowly and methodically. Of course anyone that really knows me knows that I am not methodical but random and somewhat scattered.  I put all the knick-nac patty wacks on our big table and all frames and signs, etc. on another table and will start the boxing up with those items. We will see how it goes. 
 I think I need sign therapy. Can you believe how many cute signs are lined up there? Not sure what to think about that. I am sure it says something about my personality but I have not idea what.
 Oh, by the way, don't you love getting fun things in the mail? I participated in a Fall Swap and my sweet friend Leslie and I swapped.  I got her box in the mail yesterday. It was so cool! She sent the items above and I love each and every one of them.  Can't wait to try some recipes from the cookbook and her own personal couple of recipes that she sent. Coffee, mug, wonderful note cards, lip balm (I needed that!), Banana Pepper Mustard...thank you SO much Leslie!  You can see her sweet blog here:
She is an amazing person.
 So, I am off for another walk with time to talk to my Maker and take in the loveliness around me.

My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me." 
And my heart responds, "Lord, I am coming."
Psalm 27:8

Then, of course there is the packing...whew. Prayers appreciated. Amy


Yea! You rec'd happy it made it's arrival. I hope you enjoy it ALL!

Praying for you as you pack is overwhelming, I'm still in the "not un-packed" in a mess. This too shall pass and will be fine.

Have a wonderful week Amy!!!
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Sign therapy - love it! I walk several mornings a week too. Great time to rejuvenate your mind and spirit!
Blessings as you pack...just went through that myself.

What a nice package...enjoy.

We had the fog also...just kinda fun to see it
Vickie said…
Hi Amy - so nice to meet you! and thanks for your visit~~~

Well, I see that you're moving and downsizing (we just did that!) and I know what a pain that can be trying to figure out what to keep and what to take with you.

I see you've got boys in college - well, my 2 sons have already finished and my daughter is still in nursing school. I think you and are "fans" of alot of the same things - Aggies, Harding, to name a few... Don't know where you're located but I hope it's Texas!

Don't you just LOVE having loud, stinky, messy boys home with friends eating you out of house and home, rough housing and totally enjoying themselves! I sure did, and still do!

We're all about family and God over here at Sand Flat Farm - so I think we'll get along great! I'll be following!
Vickie said…
Hey back, Amy - yes, we're in East Texas, too! Near the Tyler area. So I guess that makes us neighbors!

I didn't see a "followers" gadget on your blog, but I'm putting you on my sidebar. Didn't see your email either, so we can just visit this way!

Moles - I haven't had much luck with them. My dad uses this big honkin' trap and he does get a few, but I can't even set the silly thing - gotta have lots of muscles. Now the gopher traps I can do. Maybe google it? I thought about poison put into the ground, but then I'd worry about dogs or cats getting into that. Good luck with your moles! Oh, go by and visit Kathy at Spot on Cedar Pond. She's on my sidebar - her husband is the champion MOLE getter!

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