Pretty Porches...

Out on the Porch

Come sit with me out on the porch in early morn,
And watch a new day struggle to be born.
A tinge of orange upon horizon's breast
And stars now tired--flicker low and rest.

Look through dark leaves to lighter skies in space,
At patterns that resemble finest lace.
So quiet hear the beating of our hearts
As slowly day arrives--and night departs.

The moon now pale high in the sky,
Watch morning birds as they begin to fly.
Tranquility abounds, air crystal clear,
A moment stopped in time, devoid of fear.

To feel the warmth of rising sun,
Another day for us begun.
Reach out your hand for me to hold.
Together, watch this day unfold.

--Written by Patrick Joseph Hubauer

I pray our day has time worked into it to sit on our porches and think about God and about beauty and the blessings He has showered upon us. Love, Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Beautiful and each one unique! Kinda like so many of God's creations!
Amen..and I love the pictures of the doors...they are wonderful. I could just hear Jesus say "I have come and knocked"...He is the way and the truth.

Have a wonderful day as your greet the sunrise.
Nana's Nuggets said…
I love these pics~ so serene and peaceful! loved them:) Happy~Tuesday!

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