Beautiful Birdie...Phd Celebration...

 Sid's office and friends gave him a little Phd party to celebrate him finishing his doctorate. 
Thank you! He was perfectly surprised and felt very loved and cared for. You guys are wonderful! Not sure how to post better quality pictures of phone pics. Working on it.
 I put one of our bird feeders right outside the kitchen window just like at our last house.  I love quietly sneaking up to the window to try to get a good photo of some sweet birdie on the feeder. Isn't this one lovely? Not sure she likes me looking at her...
The weather is changing in the next few days. Cold-soup weather coming up.
I like it!
Perfect for the Christmas season.

Things I am pondering today:
Praying about if I should accept and invitation to speak at a ladies day on Passionate Christian Living. I am very conflicted about it. Just not in my comfort zone but God seems to be giving me thoughts on it. Shoot.

Thinking about having joy no matter what...
even when we have pain in our bodies and pain in our hearts.

Thinking about Christmas with our boys around.
We can't wait to have some quality time with them.
Will is going to Haiti again before Christmas.
Already praying about his trip.

Thinking about how nice Michael Buble's voice is and how much I like his new Christmas cd.

Thinking about Colt and praying for his safety and protection the rest of this NFL season.

Thinking about Case and how him and the rest of the Texas team are going to beat the Bears today.
(Sorry Rachel and Glyn)

Thinking about how we have so much and are so comfortable and how we can give to people that need help and comfort and God's loving touch.

Thinking about a new green drink I found that I am quickly getting addicted to. Naked- green machine.

Thinking about how much Christmas shopping I need to get done and wishing we could just all go on a trip and enjoy each other's company instead of gift giving. I love gifts getting and giving, don't get me wrong, but we just don't need anything...and so many need everything...conflicted emotions this time of year.

Thinking about the words our preacher spoke last Wed. night.
We are God's plan A.
Am I using all of me for God's glory?
Christ calls on His disciples to give up alot.
He asks us to give up-
guilt, shame, anger, sin, rage, hate, darkness, pain...
Are we willing to give these up?
Are we willing to give up the sin that gives root to these things?
It matters how we live. We carry the name of Christ.

Thinking about how happy I am that my husband is finished writing that huge paper and that he had time to go to a high school football playoff game last night (he did not even know either of the teams) but loved watching and relished Friday Night Lights with no "I should be writing guilt".

(I know I should stop with this but hey...still thinking...)

Thinking about how much I love and enjoy my sister in laws. All of them.
Love spending time with all of them.
How blessed and fortunate that we all get along.
Rare I think.
Thank you God for the bond we all share through You. 
I am sure that is why we all get along so good.
The God factor cuts out selfishness and pettiness.

Thinking fondly about the fact we got to spend time with Tim and Lisa Mack last week in Lubbock.
Lisa, I love ya.  You will be forever tied to my heart. You bless me and no matter where I am I  feel close to you. Thankful for time together.

Thinking too about my blog friends that I love checking in on and have gotten especially close to.
What a blessing you have been to my heart and mind. Especially you girls...      

Blessings on your Saturday! Amy


Wa Wa Waughs said…
aawwww shucks. You're too kind! Sid got a neat cake!
Thanks Amy! You are so very sweet. I really enjoy your blog, your thoughts and sweet, kind heart. I too am in conflict about gifts... I am tired of trying to figure out what to get everyone...when none of us need anything. Stuff I want to make, I don't seem to have time for! Just praying for wisdom ;)
Candie said…
You inspire me. Yes, your relationship with your sisters-in-law is rare, and precious. I loved the "thinking post" as I too have been pondering so much. it's just all way too close to home to blog about. I'm praying praying praying about it all - but blogging with friends and receiving their insightful feedback is also so helpful. Your blog is a blessing. Thank you so much for sharing your heart.
Anonymous said…
nice post! thanks for sharing... God bless you...loves soraya
Vickie said…
Hi Amy - just popped over to say hi and Merry Christmas and I see that you've given me some "props" (like the kids say!). So sweet of you! We've been so busy 'round here I've not been blogging much lately. I've had all my blogging friends on my mind lately, too. There are some that have problems and pain and illness, and wish I could just send them a big ole hug IN PERSON instead of a cyber-hug!

Sounds like the Lord is urging you to speak, and Amy, as I read your words in your blog, I'm thinking that you will be an excellent speaker. You're always so focused on the Lord and always so aware of what we need to be as wives, mothers, daughters, friends AND Christians. I'm NOT a speaker, but prefer a small intimate group. I know God will let you know what to do about that. Anyway, it's good to have another Christian lady friend in blogland! Have a wonderful week Christmas-ing!
Vickie said…
Oh, almost forgot - Congrats to your hubby! I know he's worked long and hard for that Phd!

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