Encourage One Another...

Good morning. It is crisp and cold, but sunny outside my window.

Our oldest boy is in Haiti this week. It is hot there and sticky and probably uncomfortable. I am thankful for the work they are doing. We are comfortable in our nice homes and they are sleeping out in the open on a roof top listening to the sounds of Haitian life around them.
They are loving orphans, building walls, helping treat broken bodies...encouraging. 

Wonderful scripture from my daily Bible reading today...
(yes, I am behind, but still going...)

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10: 23-25

Wow.  It is just not about us and pleasing ourselves and if we find worship boring or stagnant. Make it better. Look for the good.  Go and encourage. God will bless. I believe that.  I find it interesting that day in the last sentence is capitalized.  This gives us and indication of an "event" that is going to happen.  He is not just talking about some day in the future we will see Him coming...in the clouds...with shouts and trumpets. He has planned the event...the "Day".  I don't know, just made my heart beat a little faster this morning. 

We are enjoying having our young son home and hanging out with us. 
Looking forward to worshiping with him this morning.

I am sitting here looking out the window at a tree with two Cardinals jumping around in it.
They are so gorgeous.  Makes me laugh thinking about last week
when a sweet little bird flew in my house when I opened the front door.
 Getting a bird out of the house is not easy and I promise you, very funny.

Another random happening right now is, that we are killing at least one Brown Recluse spider a day in this house.  I am trying not to freak totally out about it but it is really getting on my nerves. We are having the house sprayed tomorrow. Praying we survive without a bite before then. 
Nasty little bugs.

As you can see in the picture above, the leaves here are just getting more and more beautiful. 
Day after day they just get more colorful and gorgeous.
I am sure the next little wind will blow them all away...so we will enjoy our colorful leaves today. 
Blessings on this beautiful Sunday. 
Thank you for your prayers for our boy in Haiti. Amy


Vickie said…
Amy, isn't is such a beautiful Autumn this year! So many dead trees, and yet the ones left seemed to just beam their little hearts out! They are brilliant!

I know ya'll are proud of your son for being in Haiti on Christmas. I'm glad you've got your other one there to cheer you and be merry with you!

The DAY. I used to be scared of the Day when I was young and immature. But isn't it something that we start looking forward to that Day as we get older? Life throws us its curveballs, its sorrows and troubles and it makes us long for that Day even more. And especially when our kids are all Christians. I feel like I'm ready any time the Lord wants to come back. We can all go together! Have a blessed Lord's Day!
Wa Wa Waughs said…
Sweet times. Sounds like you have had some adventures with wildlife this week! Well now you can let your son take care of those critters!

You made me think about God being an event planner! LOL I love that stuff and He is the planning the ultimate event!

Love you!

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