Festive Fun...Christmas Party Ideas...

 Good morning!  We enjoyed a time of fellowship with some good friends last night. Our friends helped us move a few weeks ago and we needed badly to say thank you.  Getting together during the Christmas holidays is so much fun. I love to cook and prepare fun things for times of fellowship with friends.  Time management though is not a strong suit of mine. At about 5:30 I realized that I had better actually clean up the house a little since people were coming over at 6:30.  I cleaned a little and then pondered on the fact that in low lighting and using candles that you can really miss alot of dirt on the floors and dust on the furniture.  No, we don't live in a nasty house but here was my thought...if everything has to be PERFECT before I can be hospitable...
I would never have anyone over.

So, we just go ahead in our so not perfect house and enjoy the fellowship of friends. Thanks guys, for not bringing your white gloves for the dust test or looking too closely at how clean the floors are.

Anyway...this tree is leaning forward. I need to work on that. It is also anxiously waiting on our boys to come home and help decorate it. Only about a week left little tree...hang on.
I saw this sweet and yummy way to prepare your mug for hot chocolate.  I really did it because it was so pretty, but when we actually drank out of the mugs...oh my goodness, it was also quite tasty. Give it a try. Easy and oh, so festive.

 This little party favor or Christmas gift was fun and easy to prepare.
Peppermint Chocolate Cocoa.

 My wonderful sister in law Debra gave me this tag with these words of wisdom on it.  So simple and profound.  She said she was at a friends house and she had these shipping tags all over her house just hanging from things with scripture's and thoughts to remember. I think it is a super idea. Thank you!
 As we go about our merry way over the holidays, I hope we can remember the words above. 
Looking outward to the needs of other people instead of inward at my own needs.  I am reminded that I have enough and am so blessed.  I want to look for ways to bless other people in my path. 
Father, please help us to have the eyes to see...and hearts to care...
Blessings on your day! Amy
Peppermint Cocoa


Wa Wa Waughs said…
Wow! I can't believe you had time to decorate with the move! I LOVE Deb's idea! I have some favorite verses and sayings on a wall in my scrapbooking/junk room but I like this better.
Becky V said…
It was awesome. Warm, Christmasy, cozy...a house full of people I love. I did not want to leave. And YUMMY. I ate WAY too much but I could not resist your most excellent cooking. And your house looked perfect to me. (Well, except for those rooms in the back you showed me to make me feel better, which made it all the more perfect!) There is a quote about that I may post on Facebook. Thank you for including some of us who did not move even one little box for you. Next time, move on the weekend and we will do everything we can to be there! Just hope for your sake next time won't be too soon. :)
Sounds like such a fun evening...I too would NEVER have anyone over if my house had to be in tip-top shape! {grin} Good friends don't care about a little dust. Thank goodness!

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